Shanghai (上海指南): A Handbook For Travellers And Residents To Chief Object Of Interest In And Around The Foreign Settlements And Native City. With Map and Illustration. 2nd Edition Revised and Enlarge

  • Shanghai (上海指南): A Handbook For Travellers And Residents To Chief Object Of Interest In And Around The Foreign Settlements And Native City. With Map and Illustration. 2nd Edition Revised and Enlarge
Product Code CHW-3623
Availability Arrive in 2-4 Days
I S B N 4711871500990
作者 Darwent, C. E.
出 版 社 成文出版社
叢書系列 西書
裝禎方式 精裝
  • List Price: NT990

  • Discounted Price: NT792 (20% Off )


Darwent, C. E.
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