Western China, A Journey To The Great Buddhist Centre Of Mount Omei (西部中國-峨嵋之旅)With Illustrations

  • Western China, A Journey To The Great Buddhist Centre Of Mount Omei (西部中國-峨嵋之旅)With Illustrations
Product Code CHW-3597
Availability Arrive in 2-4 Days
I S B N 4711871500693
作者 Hart,V.C.
出 版 社 成文出版社
叢書系列 西書、佛教
裝禎方式 精裝
  • List Price: NT1,220

  • Discounted Price: NT976 (20% Off )

The author describes his journey to Mount Omei in great detail, including his preparations, method of travel, relations with his crew, and the people in the port cities along the way. He also describes the topography of Mount Omei, beliefs connected with the mountain, and its religious significance.<成文出版社>

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