A Residence Among The Chinese: Inland, On The Coast, And At Sea (中國的一個居民). Being a Narrative of Scenes and Adventures during A third Visit to China, From 1853 to 1856. Including Notices of Many Natural Productions and Works of Art, the Culture of Silk, et

  • A Residence Among The Chinese: Inland, On The Coast, And At Sea (中國的一個居民). Being a Narrative of Scenes and Adventures during A third Visit to China, From 1853 to 1856. Including Notices of Many Natural Productions and Works of Art, the Culture of Silk, et
商品型號 CHW-3535
庫存狀態 需等待2 - 4工作日調貨
I S B N 4711871499928
作者 Fortune, R.
出 版 社 成文出版社
叢書系列 西書
裝禎方式 精裝
  • 定價: NT1,220

  • 售價: NT976 (8折 )


Fortune, R.