The China Mission Year Book 1919(中國1919年宗教年鑑). Tenth Annual Issue

  • The China Mission Year Book 1919(中國1919年宗教年鑑). Tenth Annual Issue
商品型號 CHW-3619
庫存狀態 需等待2 - 4工作日調貨
I S B N 4711871500945
作者 LobenstineE.C.andWarnshuis,A.L.
出 版 社 成文出版社
出版年份 1920
叢書系列 西書、宗教總論
裝禎方式 精裝
  • 定價: NT1,160

  • 售價: NT928 (8折 )

The editors have organized reports of foreign missionaries concerning the situation in China in 1919. Information is included on the student movement, churches and missionary work, evangelism, religious education, medical work, and modern Chinese literature.<成文出版社>
