Pioneer Missionary In China (在中國傳教的先驅), With 11 illustrations

  • Pioneer Missionary In China (在中國傳教的先驅), With 11 illustrations
商品型號 CHW-3014
庫存狀態 需等待2 - 4工作日調貨
I S B N 4711871500068
作者 Grist,W.A.SamuelPollard,
出 版 社 成文出版社
叢書系列 西書、天主教基督教
裝禎方式 精裝
  • 定價: NT1,120

  • 售價: NT896 (8折 )

This biography of Samuel Pollard (1864-1915), Methodist missionary in Yunnan and Kueichow, is based on his personal missionary journal and is exceptionally well written. Pollard’s life is traced from his birth to missionary apprenticeship and missionary labor among the Lolo and the Miao people (the latter in particular), and his burial in the hills where he labored. In addition to missionary experience, important events in Chinese history during this period are incorporated into the biography.<成文出版社>
