
  • 第八屆國際南島語言學會議論文選集
商品型號 SNC-1367
庫存狀態 需等待2 - 4工作日調貨
I S B N 9576716322
作者 齊莉莎、李壬癸
出 版 社 中央研究院語言學研究所
出版年份 1995
叢書系列 語言暨語言學系列
頁數 671
  • 定價: NT900

  • 售價: NT855 (95折 )

This volume includes the 21 papers that were selected after having been presented at the eighth international Conference on Austronesian Linguistics, which was held December 28-30, 1997, at the Academia Sinica. There are eight papers and covering a number of topics on Austronesian Linguistics ranging from diachronic studies, phonetics and phonology to syntax.<中央研究院語言學研究所>
